The truths, the myths, and the conspirac-TEA about veganism. In Part 1 of this topic, we're going to dig deep and uncover how good veganism really is for the environment and your health. When was the term "vegan" first coined? Which famous Greek philosopher was one of the earliest advocate for kindness among all species? We're also going to unveil some conspiracies surrounding veganism, such as... are fruits and veggies really vegan?
Donald Watson was an English animal rights advocate who founded the Vegan Society. He first coined the term "vegan" in 1944.
Nate Diaz is vegan, and he has been for a while. That means no meat, no poultry and no dairy. Not even eggs.
Composting is good for the environment on many different levels. It is much easier to compost your food when you are on a vegan diet.
Vegetarian Calculator (you can also try out the vegan calculator)
Produce bags
Stay tuned for my next episode next Tuesday, when we'll be talking about local and factory farms. What goes on behind closed doors? How bad is meat for the environment? Is it possible to still live sustainably while consuming animal products? So, I’ll see you then. Byeeee.
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